The Board of Directors of the Organization has formulated a vision till 2030 as follows.
cIt is said that "No Vision, No Orgation" Vision is a bridge but it is not visible Vision is what will your business be in the next ten years? how will it be where will be
Because of vision, all the team gets clarity, everyone gets the direction of work and everyone starts working together. You know what to do when you wake up every day. Vision is like a river. There are many obstacles in the river.
Like stones, sand, trees, garbage, it makes its way. She doesn't stop. Similarly, while doing business, there are many difficulties, then those difficulties are overcome only by Organizations with vision because they have thought about the next 10 years.
E.g. Demonetisation crisis, Covid-19, employee desertion, etc.
Organizations that do not have a vision do not know where and when they want to go, they are always doing anything and saying hum honge kayam ek din !
Good days don't come, they have to be brought, so Aadhaar has created a vision as follows.